Rebecca Crawford, Fashion, F 4.5, Shutter 1/160, ISO 100.
Brooke Blanchard, 23, of Petoskey shows off her favorite style for Fall before going for a walk with her poodle. Blanchard believes that style is not only about what looks good, but what is also comfortable and allows her to be on the move.
For this shot I used a dome diffuser on a strobe set just right of the model, close to her, a little above eye level with an umbrella for the main light, and a strobe fired above eye level from the left side to fill in shadows.

Rebecca Crawford, Fashion, F 22, Shutter 1/200, ISO 1600.
Kristen Williams, 21, and Mike Stefonik, 25, show off their sexy relaxed style. Both Williams and Stefonik are involved in theater and are use to having to feel confident in whatever they wear. Unlike Williams, Stefonik usually is shirtless with animal print under garments of some sort.
For this shot I had the dome diffuser firing full power into an umbrella set behind them to the right and a strobe as a fill light aimed at them from a few few away in front of them on the left. My camera for some reason I still don't know changes back to Iso 1600, even though it says its manually set at 100
I also liked this one but couldn't really decide it is was fashion.

Lighting Setups

Your first photo is great because her eyes just pop! I also like your compositions in the snake pictures. His skin color in the second snake one is a little odd compared to the first one, but overall, these were great.